Thursday, July 26, 2012

Waiting for the Rain

The news reports say that the country is in the throes of a devastating drought and I believe it.  We haven't had any appreciative amounts of rainfall here in Southcentral New Hampshire for a long time.  We get a teasing amount at night but by 9:00 am, the soil in our vegetable garden is dry & crying for moisture.  We water it daily but not too much because we have a shallow well and do not want that to go dry.  We have a pond next to our house but we've noticed, over the last few days, that the water level has receded noticeably and even the heron that lands on rocks that poke out of the water, can stand in areas of the pond where it was once pretty deep.
Our chickens are watered several times a day to keep them hydrated.  I also keep a couple of water stations in shaded areas of the yard for the chickens, the dogs or any other small animal that needs to "wet his whistle".
There have been a lot of fireworks in our neighborhood lately and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have a forest fire because of someone's carelessness or stupidity. 
I have been doing a lot of weeding in the garden ~ the weeds seem to be thriving in this weather.  I'm hoping that, even with a limited amount of water, our vegetables will do well.  We have been able to dig a lot of potatoes over the past week and there is probably another 30 feet of potato plants that we can harvest from.  I'm letting some of our grandsons help with that since they love the garden and they think digging potatoes is "awesome" and the 7 year old said that "I could do this for a living".  From the mouths of babes.
Tomorrow, I am going with my oldest daughter and my 6 month old grandson to pick blueberries & peaches at a farm about 1/2 hour from my daughter's home.  It should be fun since the little guy loves to be outside.  I am certainly going to remember to bring my camera.  I hope to get enough berries to freeze some for the winter.  The peaches will be eaten soon after they get home but I will try to save a few for my Peach Bread.  It is delicious!!!!!  We have an old peach tree that had a lot of fruit last year but, unfortunately, we have a large number of grey squirrels that like peaches as much as we do and they took all of the small fruit home with them.  I have 2 Elberta Peach trees ordered and we planted 2 small apple trees this Spring so, within a few years time, we should have a good harvest of fruit.  I have to find a way to discourage those critters from taking what's on the tree.  Any suggestions?
Have a wonderful upcoming weekend ~ keep your fingers and toes crossed for some gentle rain to ease everyone's drought problems.

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