Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Winter's Blast

It is the day before the start of Spring and here in New Hampshire we are experiencing a major snowstorm.  It started snowing last night and we have about 10 inches of new snow to top off the last 3 storms that we have had in the past month.  The snow is still coming down and threatens to keep up until late tonight with flurries and slippery road conditions tomorrow.  Schools in the area were closed today and I hope it's more of the same tomorrow ~ I hate to think of my little grandsons in a school bus on these twisty, turny, hilly roads when there is black ice.
Our two Golden Retrievers have had a ball outside ~ they love the white stuff.  After they have played tag in the snowdrifts, they come inside, get dried off with a clean towel and lie down in front of the woodstove.  What a life they have!!!!!!!!
Our hens are locked in their coop for the day to keep them warm and safe.  It would be a chickastrophe if the plow guy made them a permanent part of the landscape.  We live at the end of a 600 foot dirt road/driveway and our plow guy has been out here once already today and, no doubt, will make another pass this evening.
We have had the woodstove cranking all day (it's our major source of heat) and I'm so thankful that we have it.  When we lived in our other house, we only had a fireplace that didn't throw much heat so we depended on oil.  It would cost us $600 or so every 6 weeks to keep our home heated.  We downsized to a smaller house and bought an energy efficient woodstove and we haven't gotten an oil delivery since May of 2012.  Of course we have had to purchase wood at a cost of about $870 for 3 cords.  Next year, we will be able to use wood from our property to heat the house since my husband has cut down trees that weren't dry enough to use this heating season but should be fine for the 2013/2014 winter.
I have been planning my garden and ordering more seeds (heirloom seeds so that we can collect seeds from the plants after this year's growing season and use them in 2014).  I am so anxious to till the garden, put up new fencing and get things planted ~ this winter has made the promise of fresh vegetables seem so far off.

Today, I cracked three huge eggs from our chickens and got three double-yolkers.  I was amazed since this is the first time I've gotten them from our hens.  I added a few more eggs and scrambled them all up, cooked them and they're cooling now.  This snack will go to the chickens when my husband goes down to the coop this evening to check on the girls.  They will love it!!!!!

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