Saturday, December 1, 2012

Winter Has Arrived

Here it is December 1st and the snow is falling.  I am sitting here in a warm home heated by our woodstove watching the snow come down in big flakes covering the ground with a white blanket.  The temperature has not made it past the 24 degree mark all day even though the weatherman predicted that it would be around 32 degrees.  My husband, our oldest grandson and his friend went hunting in the woods behind our log cabin this morning but saw nothing except for squirrels and chickadees.  I don't think that our freezer will hold venison this year.
I have yet to finish Christmas shopping ~ I do not like stores and crowds so I have been doing most of my shopping on-line.  I need to use the rest of the afternoon searching on-line for that perfect gift for each of our 5 grandsons and my 4 nieces and nephews.  I try to shop stores that have Paypal so that I don't run up any credit card bills ~ the payments come directly from our checking account.  There's nothing worse than getting large credit card bills in January (or any time of the year for that matter).
I have received several seed catalogues already and my thoughts have turned to green grass, bountiful gardens and compost piles.  It's a little early for planning next year's garden but I can't help myself.  Each year holds a new promise and I am anxiously awaiting 2013.
This past year has brought good and bad events in our family.  Our youngest grandson was born just after the new year and we were all thrilled.  My Dad had to go to a nursing home because of several illnesses that were too much for my mother to take care of at home.  My husband has had several health problems in the past that are not improving ~ we're keeping our fingers crossed that next year will bring a positive turnaround.  My nephew graduated with honors from college and will attend Medical School next year.  My grandson was in a bad accident that totaled his car but he and his girlfriend escaped without serious injury (Thank God).  It has been a bittersweet year but it could have been much worse.  We will celebrate the New Year with hope in our hearts and welcome in 2013 with fingers and toes crossed.
Merry Christmas to all and a joyous, healthy & prosperous New Year.

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