Here in Southcentral New Hampshire, we got 2+ feet of snow over the past weekend from Nemo (now they're naming blizzards, for God's sake). The snow started falling early on Friday morning and didn't let up until Saturday afternoon. Our neighbor was nice enough to plow our 600 foot dirt road/driveway up to our house (which is the last one on the road) with his tractor. Our regular plow guy was so busy that we had to wait until late Saturday afternoon for him to get to us. My husband is a heart patient so we can't be snowbound for too long in case of an emergency. Our neighbors are the best. I baked some brownies & cookies for them and we have some fresh eggs from our hens ~ tomorrow I will deliver them with a little note telling them how much we appreciate their help.
Our poor hens had to stay in their coops on Friday and Saturday so that they would not get lost in the snow or plowed under by our "plow guy". They were pretty rowdy in there even though their coop is warm & roomy. The girls are used to roaming the yard and running into the barn during the day but they were held captive for their own good during the storm. On Sunday, my husband let them out and they were sooo happy. We make sure that there is a large cleared area for them after snowstorms so that they can continue to free range and visit the barn when their feet get cold. I always spread hay around so that they can warm up their toes. They are contented hens with one large Cochin rooster (he's happy since he's the only boy among 29 girls).
My grandsons got off the bus today (I watch the 3 boys after school) and they had had a great day ~ they spent most of the afternoon making igloos out in the snow. Needless to say, their snowpants, socks & gloves were soaked. After the long walk back to our house, the boys came in and had snacks & I placed their wet clothes near the woodstove to dry. Our oldest grandson and I worked on a magic trick that is in a book that he got at the library and, by golly, it worked. He was thrilled and I was shocked that we were able to do magic. The two younger boys played games on the computer and we read a library book that one of them had gotten at the library. Then more snacks & more magic tricks. Before too much time had passed, their mom was home from work and the boys were telling her all about their wonderful day at school. It makes me happy to know that they are learning and having so much fun ~ we have a wonderful school in our town and it is full of energetic, enthusiastic teachers & administrators. I love this little town that we live in.
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