Thursday, March 7, 2013

March on to Spring

March is finally here and Spring is only 13 days away ~ Yippee!!!!!!!!! 
A friend and I sat together the other day and planned out our vegetable gardens together ~ she will do the viney things (squash, pumpkins, gourds) along with needful things in her kitchen garden (potatoes, herbs, tomatoes, corn).  I will plant potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cukes, broccoli, herbs, green beans, yellow wax beans & a big patch of sunflowers.  We are both so anxious to get down & dirty in the soil.  I fear that it will be some time before our gardens will be more than a plan on a piece of paper since it is 30 degrees here today and snowing.  According to the local weatherman, we are due for 4 to 8 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow.  This is the 4th storm in as many weeks and we're a little worn from the cold and bitter wind.  Please, Mother Nature, no more snow!!!!!!!!!!
This afternoon, three of my grandsons will be here after school and I have gathered potting soil, small pots and herb seeds so that we can spend some time planting and talking about their day at school and what we'll do in the garden this summer. 
For those of you dreaming of gardens or if you want inspiration for baking or decorating, visit Matthew Mead's Facebook page.  You will be pleasantly surprised and will visit it daily to see what wonderful things are there.  I love his ideas!!!!!!!
I hope that March does, as it is supposed to, "goes out like a lamb" so that we can see the promise of Spring by April 1st.  Have a wonderful month ~ keep warm and cozy & be inspired!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh gosh, I am so ready for spring. Today was the first day it was warmer outside than in the house! I can't wait to get started planting. :)

    1. I know what you mean ~ We're in the middle of our 4th snowstorm in 4 weeks and I wish I could wake up tomorrow, look outside and see green grass and daffodils. That won't happen but I can dream. Only 12 days until Spring!!!!!!
